Something's Fishy...
*Cue Disney music* "Under the sea, under the sea!"
Seafood has long been the top culinary draw in the north of Spain. The fish and shellfish from the cold Galician waters are exquisite, fresh and prepared in a way that emphasizes their natural quality without overdoing sauces or seasonings. Santiago has close ties with the sea and you can see the fresh seafood in many restaurant windows. Dead or still alive! In a tank or otherwise.
- octopus “pulpo” (Check out: Galician Oddities)
- hake "merluza”
- cod “bacalao”
- salmon “salmón”
- tuna “atún”
- mixed seafood salad “salpicón”
- “pinto”
- “gallo”

Ready for some pan-action!
- shrimp or prawns “gambas”
- crab “cangrejo”
- lobster "langosta"
- barnacles “percebes”
- king prawn "langostiño"
- scallops “vieira”
- razor clams "navajas"
- spider crab "centolla"
- mejillones “mussels”
- cockles "berberechos"

Can't get fresher than this: gorgeous, shiny prawns and clams